What is Osteopathy?

Osteopaths are trained in therapeutic approaches that are suitable for a broad range of individuals, including pregnant women, children and babies. Osteopathic care is delivered through a range of interventions which may include onward referral, health management advice, manual therapy, exercise therapy and others. Osteopaths adapt their therapeutic approach depending on the individual needs of the patient and their presenting complaint. Manual therapy techniques employed may include articulation and manipulation of joints and soft tissues.

Osteopathy is a patient-centred, system of healthcare. A first appointment generally lasts about 45 minutes to an hour to allow the osteopath adequate time to:

  • Listen and ask questions about your problem, your general health, other medical care you are receiving or medication you are taking, and record this in your case notes. The information you provide will be confidential.

  • Examine you properly. It is likely the osteopath will ask you to remove some of your clothing. Tell your osteopath if you are uncomfortable about this. You should expect privacy to undress and a towel should be provided. You can ask a friend or relative to accompany you and be present throughout your treatment.

  • Ask you to make simple movements and stretches to observe your posture and mobility. Because of the body’s structure, pain or stiffness you are experiencing in one part may be linked to a problem elsewhere.

  • Examine the health of the joints, tissues and ligaments using their hands and a highly developed sense of touch called palpation.

Your osteopath will also check for signs of serious conditions they cannot treat and may advise you to see your GP or go to hospital.

What can Osteopathy help treat?

  • Neck pain

  • Sports injuries

  • Lower back pain

  • Shoulder pain and elbow pain (for example, tennis elbow)

  • Arthritis

  • Problems with the pelvis, hips and legs

  • Muscle and joint pain associated with driving, work or pregnancy

Who can Osteopathy help?

  • General population

  • Children including babies

  • Sports personnel

  • Pregnant women (12 week+)